Join Us!

“The days pass happily with me wherever my ship sails.” — Joshua Slocum, First Person to Single-Hand Circumnavigate

Step aboard for a once in a lifetime experience

You can support our cause of preserving rainforest while you enjoy nature in a unparalleled way. With project Flying Rivers we raise funds by inviting visitors aboard our sailing vessel for short or longer trips. Anchoring in a beautiful sunny bay, visiting that unique remote spot, snorkeling remote locations, fishing at sea or challenging the elements on a crossing. We're all up for it. And you?

Send us your short introduction to receive your membership. We're travelling from east to west this season. With the log-in credentials you'll receive from us, you can enter the member area and see when our schedule matches your travel plans, so we can plan a visit. Your stay on our sailboat isn't free as we do expect a generous donation.

Request membership

Get in touch

We are always looking for new and fun ways to collaborate. Get in touch if you want to join us, have a great idea or just for a chat.

Opcao Verde

We both hold a position on the board of the Brazilian foundation Opcao Verde and preserve Amazon rainforest with the local community.


We have incorporated our activites for the Brazilian foundation with a Dutch foundation, the foundation for advocacy of forest savers.