The Crew

"The only way to get a good crew is to marry one." ― Eric Hiscock about his wife

We preserve rainforest from a boat

We preserve pristine rainforest in the heart of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil through our ancestors foundation, Opção Verde. With project Flying Rivers we raise funds to help our foundation and the team in Brazil improve and grow. We bring attention to the activities, organise events for members and raise funds for the Brazilian foundation.

Get in touch

We are always looking for new and fun ways to collaborate. Get in touch if you want to join us, have a great idea or just for a chat.

Opcao Verde

We both hold a position on the board of the Brazilian foundation Opcao Verde and preserve Amazon rainforest with the local community.


We have incorporated our activites for the Brazilian foundation with a Dutch foundation, the foundation for advocacy of forest savers.